Monday, December 19, 2011

Week Summary: Dec 12 - Dec 18

Mon AM: 7.8 miles

Tues AM: 6.8 miles
Tues PM: 7.6 miles

Wed PM: 8.2 miles

Thurs AM: 7.5 miles
Thurs PM: 6.2 miles

Fri AM: 5.7 miles

Sat PM: 12.63 miles -- Little Italy to Veteran's Bridge to Levee Trail and back

Sun AM: 3.8 miles

Weekly Total: 66 miles

I really wanted to hit 70 miles this week but I tweaked my knee (the left one this time) on Saturday night. I wasn't even running, just stumbling around my apartment after coming home from drinking too many beers. I didn't hit it on anything, just was walking around and pulled something in the knee cap region. Very weird and hurt like a bitch on Sunday (hence the only 3.8 miles) but I think (hope) it's going to go away fast.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Week Summary: Dec 5 - Dec 11

Mon: 7.1 miles -- Riverfront

Tues: 7 miles -- Riverfront

Wed AM: 5.4 miles -- Dreadmill
Wed PM: 6.6 miles -- Riverfront

Thurs AM: 6.9 miles -- Riverfront
Thurs PM: 7.4 miles -- Riverfront

Fri AM: 6.4 miles -- Midtown Crossing, Creighton, Dahlman and back
Fri PM: 3.4 miles -- Riverfront

Sat: 4.06 miles -- KUMC to Plaza and back, Kansas City

Sun: off

Weekly Total: 54 miles

Finally got back to doing two-a-days this week. It was cold as a mother every morning (and most nights). I tried the dreadmill at the work gym one morning but it was so terrible I decided I'd just rather run outside even if I have to freeze my ass out. Save for the weekend, this is about where I want to be as far as daily mileage goes.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Week Summary: Nov 28 - Dec 4

Mon:  5.3 miles -- Riverfront

Tues: 8.64 miles -- UNO and back

Wed: off

November Total: 232 miles

Thurs: 6.31 miles -- Riverfront

Fri: 6.78 miles -- Riverfront

Sat: off

Sun: off

Weekly Total: 27 miles

Another weak week mileage-wise. Since getting back from Colorado my right knee has flared up again but in a different spot (kneecap). I can't help but think this was somewhat brought on by not taking flaxseed oil for six days. Whatever it is, I need to get it under control soon so I can get back the consistency I had during the summer.